[zh2e]櫻桃幫-再見我的愛 Goodbye My Love by Cherry Boom
Heard the cover by band "Lion" (which lead vocalist is Jam Hsiao) the other day. The cover is slightly different from the original. It gave me new feelings about this song. The original song by Cherry Boom was famous around 2000s. It is about heart break, saying goodbye to ex. Here's the link to the cover and the original . Enjoy! 幾天前聽了獅子合唱團 (演唱:蕭敬騰) 翻唱 「再見,我的愛」。 翻唱版本跟原版不同,給人耳目一新的感覺。 (老蕭的嗓音真的很迷人) 原版絕對是KTV必點經典。(突然懷念2000年時期的歌曲哈哈哈) 總之,連結請點上方,聽歌去吧! ================================================== 不負責翻譯 再見,我的愛 by 櫻桃幫 Goodbye My Love by Cherry Boom 晴天 我和你初見 First met you at the sunny day 陰天 也許適合熱戀 Into you when overcast 雨天 就從這裡分別 Fell apart at the rainy day 昨天 彩虹帶著笑臉 Rainbow smiled yesterday 今天 淚水滴過床沿 Tear dropped at the side of bed today 明天 你有沒有人陪 Who keep you company tomorrow? 永遠原來不能永遠 Nothing lasts forever 改變原來很快改變 Change comes sooner than expected 想念原來如此想念 Miss you deeper than expected 但是不見 我們說好不見 But we agreed no...