
目前顯示的是 3月, 2018的文章

[zh2e]趙詠華-最浪漫的事 The most romantic thing by Cyndi Chao

不負責任翻譯 To my dear friend, This is an old chinese song since 1999. The main meaning for the lyrics is how grateful have found the significant one for life. And the most romantic thing happened in life are not those dramatic moments instead of the little moments with the significant one. Wish you two have a very happy and blessed marriage life.💗 歌名: 最浪漫的事 Song name: The most romantic thing 演唱者 Singer :趙詠華 Cyndi Chao 作詞 姚若龍 作曲 李正帆 Lyrics: [intro] [verse] 背靠著背坐在地毯上 We are sitting back to back on the rug 聽聽音樂聊聊願望 Listening to the music and talking about the wishes 你希望我越來越溫柔 You hope me to be more and more tender 我希望你放我在心上 I hope you put me on the top of your heart 你說想送我個浪漫的夢想 You said you want to give me the most romantic dream 謝謝我帶你找到天堂 Thank me taking you to the heaven 哪怕用一輩子才能完成 No matter how long it will take 只要我講你就記住不忘 You remember everything I said [Chorus] 我能想到最浪漫的事 The most romantic thing I could im...