
[e2zh] Nicki Minaj - Barbie Tingz 妮姬·米娜 - 芭比(不負責任翻譯)

不負責任翻譯! 很有趣的內容,感覺是對去年爆紅的某位嗆聲XDDD 但總歸一句,聽歌比較重要。 事情是真是假,當事人最清楚。 Lyrics Video [Verse 1]第一段主歌 Uh, I'm in my prime, Optimus 嗯!我現在是最佳狀態,最理想的我 Sagittarius, so you know I'm an optimist 射手座*,所以你知道我很樂觀 Man, keep it all real, I'm a prophetess (okay) 老兄,實際一點,我是預言家(Okay) So at least you took an L off your bucket list (bucket list) 至少你該把失敗從目標清單拿掉(目標清單) It's time to make hits and it's time to diss 該是時候創造成功了,該是時候看輕了 How you still dissin', still can't find some hits? (Okay) 你還瞧不起我嗎?你還沒找到成名的方法嗎?(Okay) Was it worth it, dummy? I ain't mind a bit 這些還值得嗎?笨蛋。我一點都不在乎 Still on that show gettin' no chips, time to dip 還在炒冷飯嗎?該是時候放下吧 [Chorus]副歌 I, I, I, I-I, I-I, I (okay) 我x8 (Okay) I'm still fly, just bagged a white guy (okay) 我仍站在巔峰,剛釣到一個白直男(Okay) Ritchie like Guy and I still eat Thai 瑞奇是同性戀,而我還是吃泰國菜 Want the Nicki cheat code? Come on, bitch, nice try 求遊戲外掛*嗎?拜託,賤人,想得美 Let's be real, all you bitches wanna look like me 打開天窗說亮...

[zh2e]趙詠華-最浪漫的事 The most romantic thing by Cyndi Chao

不負責任翻譯 To my dear friend, This is an old chinese song since 1999. The main meaning for the lyrics is how grateful have found the significant one for life. And the most romantic thing happened in life are not those dramatic moments instead of the little moments with the significant one. Wish you two have a very happy and blessed marriage life.💗 歌名: 最浪漫的事 Song name: The most romantic thing 演唱者 Singer :趙詠華 Cyndi Chao 作詞 姚若龍 作曲 李正帆 Lyrics: [intro] [verse] 背靠著背坐在地毯上 We are sitting back to back on the rug 聽聽音樂聊聊願望 Listening to the music and talking about the wishes 你希望我越來越溫柔 You hope me to be more and more tender 我希望你放我在心上 I hope you put me on the top of your heart 你說想送我個浪漫的夢想 You said you want to give me the most romantic dream 謝謝我帶你找到天堂 Thank me taking you to the heaven 哪怕用一輩子才能完成 No matter how long it will take 只要我講你就記住不忘 You remember everything I said [Chorus] 我能想到最浪漫的事 The most romantic thing I could im...

[zh2e]櫻桃幫-再見我的愛 Goodbye My Love by Cherry Boom

Heard the cover by band "Lion" (which lead vocalist is Jam Hsiao) the other day. The cover is slightly different from the original. It gave me new feelings about this song. The original song by Cherry Boom was famous around 2000s. It is about heart break, saying goodbye to ex. Here's the link to the cover and the original . Enjoy! 幾天前聽了獅子合唱團 (演唱:蕭敬騰) 翻唱 「再見,我的愛」。 翻唱版本跟原版不同,給人耳目一新的感覺。 (老蕭的嗓音真的很迷人) 原版絕對是KTV必點經典。(突然懷念2000年時期的歌曲哈哈哈) 總之,連結請點上方,聽歌去吧! ================================================== 不負責翻譯 再見,我的愛 by 櫻桃幫 Goodbye My Love by Cherry Boom 晴天 我和你初見 First met you at the sunny day 陰天 也許適合熱戀 Into you when overcast 雨天 就從這裡分別 Fell apart at the rainy day 昨天 彩虹帶著笑臉 Rainbow smiled yesterday 今天 淚水滴過床沿 Tear dropped at the side of bed today 明天 你有沒有人陪 Who keep you company tomorrow? 永遠原來不能永遠 Nothing lasts forever 改變原來很快改變 Change comes sooner than expected 想念原來如此想念 Miss you deeper than expected 但是不見 我們說好不見 But we agreed no...

Introduction 簡介

Well, it's a blog for unofficial translations for songs, mainly for chinese songs. Chinese ↔ English (zh2e/e2zh) Upload translation for one song during lunch break.  (Not sure I could upload every weekday 😂) NOW I'm sure that i can't make it lol (And it would be my very first time try to keep a blog for a goal) Just for fun , grammatical error might appear. If there's any error, please let me know. However, it's unofficial translation for every song. The most important part is that I don't own the copyright. If there's any request, feel free to leave a message. 😊 這是一個非官方的翻譯歌詞的部落格,多數以中文歌為主。 中文↔英文 於午休時間上傳一篇翻譯。 (不確定是否能在每個工作天上傳一篇翻譯) 不可能不可能😂 (這會是第一個有目標來經營的部落格。) 但這 只是興趣 ,所以可能會出現錯誤。 如果有錯誤,請各位看官不吝嗇地予以指教。 但也請各位看官別忘了,這是非官方的翻譯。 且我不擁有原曲的版權。 若有任何疑問、要求,歡迎留訊息聯絡。 😊